OSS Funding & Sponsorships

date: 2022-06-08 20:00:00

desc: This monthly meetup is for sharing knowledge about all things contributing, maintaining, and using Open Source. We’ll have interviews, panels, presentations. We aim to be welcoming for everyone, it doesn’t matter if you’re new to Open Source, interested, or have your own Wikipedia page. If you want to collaborate, have a topic in mind or something you want to share, contact one of the organizers: In this week’s panel discussion we’re discussing open source funding and sponsorship models. Panelists --------- * **Floor Drees** - Staff Developer Advocate @ Aiven * **Suzanne Daniels** - Developer Relations Lead @ Spotify * **Tobie Langel** - Open source pragmatist. Founder & principal, UnlockOpen, @OpenJSF CPC, @amphtml AC facilitator, @OASISopen Open project AC (he/him) * **Phoebe Quincy** - Senior Community Relations Manager at DigitalOcean, previously Community Programs Associate at Elastic. * **Estelle Weyl** - Sr. Technical Writer / Community Engineer at Open Web Docs. Also: Conference Director, Community Manager. * **Per Ploug Krogslund** - OSPO Lead at Spotify.

event name: contributing.today


video url: https://www.youtube.com/embed/BQIE2xW_8CY?feature=oembed

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